Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weekend Dieting...Day 10: Saturday

BREAKFAST: We went to Michelle's Garden Cafe around 11 o'clock and I had an omelette with ham, green peppers, cheddar cheese, and hollandaise. Surprisingly, I couldn't finish it! That's a first! Maybe my tummy is shrinking?

I'll continue updating as the day goes on...

LUNCH: 3:30 pm. Glass of merlot

SNACK: Went next door to visit with Ralph and Donna and I had another glass of merlot.

SUPPER: 3 slices of WW bread with cheddar cheese and sliced tomatoes on top then broiled. This is one of our all-time favorites when we have extra tomatoes. One of Gary's fishing buddies, Skeeter, has a garden and gave us a bunch.

DESSERT: another glass of merlot

EXERCISE: I walked three times around the campground for a total of 1.8 miles.

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