Thursday, October 29, 2009

34th Diet Day: Thursday

WEIGHT: 160.1

BREAKFAST: bowl of Wheaties with sliced banana and skim milk

SNACK: cup of smartfood popcorn

LUNCH: Seafood salad in a WW Deli Flat, carrot sticks, an apple

SUPPER: a good sized helping of Chinese Pie (hamburg sauteed in EVOO and onions, a can of cream corn, and mashed potatoes layered in a baking dish then baked)

EXERCISE: I walked briskly for an hour tonight and also took a walk through the Hydro Park and the Botanical Garden taking pictures. Here are a few of the flowers I found.

I have no idea what this prickly thing is but it was pretty cool.

Tiny purple thingies

A petunia still blossoming

Some yellow things

A wilted daisy

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Ha! Your botanicals crack me up--especially the 'technical' names!!