Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 18 Sunday of the Diet

BREAKFAST: Same as yesterday: bacon, eggs, toast, apple, milk. I need to point out that normally I'd have some kind of cheese with it by making an open-faced sandwich with everything plus, I'd pour hollandaise sauce over the whole thing. So, even though this weekend's breakfasts aren't the best, they could have been a lot worse.

SNACK: a mixture of cottage cheese mixed with salsa with tortilla chips. 3 Club crackers with roasted red pepper hummus. Glasss of merlot

SUPPER: 1 1/2 lobsters dunked in melted butter. WW macaroni salad with cucumbers, green pepper, onion, natural ham, swiss cheese, canola mayo, Thousand Island dressing, dijon mustard, sunflower seeds. Glass of merlot.

EXERCISE: Pedaled my bike to the beach. Plus did quite a bit around camp to help Gary close up.

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