Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 52 of the Diet: Saturday

WEIGHT: 157.1 Obviously, the manicotti hasn't caught up to me, yet!

BREAKFAST: 2 pieces of WW toast with Smart Balance, 1/2 slice of bacon, 1/2 slice of Swiss cheese, and a fried egg on each. Glass of skim milk

SUPPER: We went to Hooligan's in No. Conway. I had a haddock sandwich on WW bread with tartar sauce, lettuce and tomatoes. I also had potato salad on Gary's lettuce and tomatoes and a glass of merlot

BEVERAGE: After supper we went to Horsefeathers where my brother-in-law was playing in a reunion show of a band he was in back in the 70s called Them Fargo Brothers. We got there about 7 and stayed until 12:30 and I had 3 cape codders (vodka and cranberry juice)

EXERCISE: Nothing specific but I did laundry and cleaning before we left. Our hotel was about a quarter mile from where the show was and we walked it several times. And we danced! We don't do that very often.

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