Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 39: Sunday Dieting or Not!

WEIGHT: 159.4

BREAKFAST: Cheese, green pepper, bacon omelette on a WW English muffin with Benecol and canola mayo. Glass of skim milk.

SNACK: banana

LUNCH: Chicken sandwich on homemade wheat bread (Yes, I made bread again. three loaves this week.) with Benecol and canola mayo and a glass of skim milk.

SUPPER: 2 pieces of my bread, toasted with Benecol and natural peanut butter and another glass of skim milk.

EXERCISE: Two miles around the block. Other than that just up and down the stairs to do laundry. We sat and watched 6 episodes of Law and Order: SVU all afternoon. Bad!

1 comment: said...

Just curious (not arguing) ...

But why do you use Benecol and canola instead of butter?

I was recently persuaded (by other bloggers) to give them both up in favor of butter.