Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 43 of the Diet: Thursday

WEIGHT: 159.3

BREAKFAST: 1/2 WW English muffin with Benecol, canola mayo, and turkey breast, a banana, and a glass of skim milk

SNACK: a cup of Smartfood popcorn

LUNCH: turkey breast on my homemade wheat bread with canola mayo and horseradish sauce, carrot sticks, and an apple

SUPPER: 3 boiled hotdogs dunked in a mayo and ketchup sauce, about a quarter of a cup of baked beans, and a slice of my wheat bread with Benecol and a glass of milk.

EXERCISE: I only walked for about a mile because it was spitting snow, and I was lazy, and I wanted to watch Two and a Half Men, and I was pooped from spending over an hour at Walmart after school. 'Nuff said!

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