Friday, April 1, 2011

A Comparison

Last Year on April first I began an online workshop called Picture Spring.
Our first assignment was to take a walk and find a sign of spring. 
It was a cool but nice day so I went to the Smith Hydro Park and took this picture of baby leaves.

One year later to the day this is what it's like:

That's a lilac bush.
There are no lilac leaves even thinking about budding.
But it's beautiful and I'm enjoying it because it'll probably be my last ever (if I'm lucky!) snowstorm.

It's heavy and wet and we've gotten a good 6-7 inches so far and it's still coming down.
I had a nice surprise when I got home from school.  The next door neighbor, Harlan, who is 14, was shoveling my driveway with his friend and brother. 
Nice kids!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You are really getting hit with winter weather this year! It is hot here already and you know I do not like that. I keep asking for 50 degrees year round but I suppose it just is not ever going to happen.