Monday, December 3, 2007

We are in the middle of a snow storm today so school was cancelled.

I had a hard time with this layout because there were so many different colors in the photos. As you can see, I ended up changing them into black and white and going with red, silver and black. Kind of different for a baby's album but I was getting sick of pink!

This one is my first time using a transparency. I added the yellow under the stars and strip on the left. It was an easy way of getting a page done quickly. It almost felt like cheating!

We finally got a decent picture of four generations of women in our family. My mom hates this picture of her because she's looking in the wrong direction. I think she looks beautiful. I, on the other hand, am a mess! This was taken at my sister Nancy's birthday party and it was cool and windy and my hair went crazy. (It does that often! I got my dad's curls!)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Linda, this has been an awesome scrapbook. Kylie will treasure it her whole life!