Do you have days when it seems like you are one color? That happened to me a little while ago. All day I gravitated to purple things and I didn't even realize it until I picked a color for my background and then noticed that I'd been the personification of purple all day.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Purple Day
Do you have days when it seems like you are one color? That happened to me a little while ago. All day I gravitated to purple things and I didn't even realize it until I picked a color for my background and then noticed that I'd been the personification of purple all day.
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Busy Day
Sunday, October 28, 2007
What a Difference a Week Makes!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Don't You Just Love Saturday Mornings?
I took the pictures of the trees last Saturday morning from my porch when the neighborhood was just drenched with gold. It was a perfect Indian Summer day.
The dotted ribbon on the right was added because I tore the page in half! I couldn't figure out how to repair it at first without it showing. Then I remembered the adhesive ribbon I bought a couple years ago from the Home Shopping Network when I was first getting into scrapbooking.
The corrugated background for the leaves was the front of a pretty notecard handmade by my friend in Florida. I added a watered-down gesso wash.
I added some gold paint to the brown; that's why it's so shiny.
Can't tell you how much I'm enjoying doing these pages. Usually, when I get home from school I paint the page and let it dry for a couple hours until I head upstairs and then I fiddle with it. It's a great thing to do while watching TV. I can't just sit there; I have to have something going on, too.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Gosh, I take terrible pictures! It took three takes for this one which is barely acceptable!
We live in Northern NH and have maple leaves covering our back yard. These fabric ones came all the way from Florida!
As far as my own room...I'm still dreaming! But I love the craft area I've created for myself. It's a start!
That Signatures book is beautiful and I got so many ideas from it. Now, if I could only find the time to try some of the techniques. It's a few years old but so worth reading.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I Love postage Stamps
Part of the thrill of getting a letter almost every day is seeing what stamp my friend has used and how she has decorated the envelope to coordinate.
I got a kick out of the leaf sticker that the Post Office cancelled instead of the stamp! Somehow the letter got turned upside down and the leaf sticker was then in the stamp position.
It took forever to paste these stamps on the page. I started by using a glue stick but they weren't adhering very well, so I switched to a Duck Tape adhesive runner but that ran out quickly. Finally, I tried my Xyron 150 and 250 and they worked really well. I always forget about those machines.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A Great Day
Monday, October 15, 2007
I'm sitting in bed watching the Red Sox lose to Cleveland tonight but when my girlfriend sent me this picture, they had just beaten the Angels and the Yankees had been defeated.
The writing along the top tells of a T-shirt a kid had on in school. It was totally inappropriate. Ironically, we had an assembly that day about the dress code!
Thursday, October 11, 2007

I really cheated on this page because the background is a notecard I received from my friend in Florida. On top of that is the back of the beautiful envelope it was in. How nice to see it in the mailbox when I got home from school.
She and I started writing letters to each other every day about 15 years ago and we've saved almost all of them! You should see the bags of letters in my cellar! Someday maybe we'll sit down and go through our lives because that's what we have stored away. I'd really love to organize them into some sort of binder or something because each one is a work of art in itself with all the stickers, etc. that we used to decorate them.
I wonder if there is a category in the Guinnes Book of World Records for the most letters written to the same person!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In our school, all teachers have lunch duty one day a week. My day this year is Thursday. It's an annoying duty and I hate it.
One day during journal writing the prompt was, "Out of the corner of my eye" and I just wrote a list of the things I see on a regualr basis in the cafeteria.
The background was fun because I just sat in bed watching the Red Sox and tore pictures of food and people eating out of magazines.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007

This page is because we are doing Shakespeare right now. I always start the year with it because it's the hardest thing and if the kids can survive this, it's all downhill after that.
I didn't even realize that I put the wrong women's names next to the wrong guys! Makes me so mad when I do something stupid like that!
The playing cards are ones I bought when I took a trip to Stratford-on-Avon a couple years ago. They are all instances where Shakespeare talks about flowers.