Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pennant: Tropical Island Breeze

These pennants were so much fun to make last summer. This one is by Barbara Hagerty. I figured I'd put them in my journal so I'll know where they are and can look at them whenever I want to. More to follow!

1 comment:

Flassie's Fil'a said...

Cool to put the pennants
inside your journal pages!

Now I have to eat my words.
Last night is the first time
I heard Adam taking a breath.

Most of the time I never hear
him catch his breathe when he
sings. Maybe it's the songs or
he was nervous?

Dd and I both wish they would
stop writing those cheesy songs
for the contestants.

Either let each contestant write
their own or help write a song.
Not necessarily write a, I've
made it to the top type of song

Great pages!

God Bless You and Yours!!!