Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Second Block
The office calls my room.
"Mrs. Jacobs, can you come to the office for a minute?"
When I get there, I see a man with a priest's collar standing there.
"She doesn't recognize me" he says to the secretaries.
Then I see his profile and know.
He's my 11th grade English teacher! 
I haven't seen him for 45 years.
He gives me a hug and 6 roses

and an apology.
When I was in his class he marked an answer wrong on a test.  I felt it was right and spoke to him about it but he refused to change my grade.
I don't remember this.
But he does and says it's bothered him all these years.

He was a first-year teacher and didn't know what he was doing.
I knew what he was doing; he was inspiring me with his dynamic style.  I loved his class and how he made everything come to life.

And I knew that's the kind of teacher I wanted to be.

Twenty years ago he had throat cancer and lost his voice so had to quit teaching.  He decided to become a minister but the cancer left him with just a whisper for a voice so he can't preach.  Instead he collects donations to help people with oil and other necessities.

He continues to be an inspiration!


Cindy said...

Oh my, how truly wonderful!!! That man was born to be a teacher. The fact that he remembered that all these years is awe inspiring. It just goes to show you that you never know which moments in your life are moments that will last forever in someone elses life.

Etta said...

What an inspirational story. Good for him - and how lovely for him to search you out and bring roses.

Lisa said...

Sweet story. Did he know that you were retiring?