Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Fall Leaf

The leaf on the right fell from the tree outside my kitchen window.  I put a glaze over it and hope it'll last.  The copper leaves are from my friend in Florida along with the pumpkins and the fall scene on the left.

Things at school are beginning to settle down.  We are in the middle of our ten-year evaluation.  It ends tomorrow with a staff meeting after school when the visiting committee will give us a list of commendations and recommendations.

My speech on Sunday went well.  I managed to do it from memory so it sounded natural.  All the other speakers just stood behind the podium and read theirs.  So, I'm glad I practiced.

My mother-in-law is in the hospital with double pneumonia so my husband flew down to care for his father.  She's on the mend, though, and will be released sometime this week.


Kirsty Girl said...

Love the journal and the leaf!

Cindy said...

That leaf is beautiful. I hope your m-i-l is well soon!