Saturday, October 11, 2008

Quite the Boat Ride!

We had such a great ride looking at all the beautiful scenery. The fall leaves were showing off and the sky was the perfect blue backdrop for them.

Then we had to try to dock the boat!

As I was sitting at my desk working on this page, the bird picture by Lisa at Simple Journeys caught my eye because the colors were perfect for the background. I love what the bird symbolizes for me. I'm a word person and love to "fly" with my poetry. Thanks, again, Lisa, for making something for me that fits me to a T!


Terrie said...

You've been tagged. Drop by to see your optional assignment. Dreamswept

Lisa said...

Linda, I just had a "whoa" moment. Just a few minutes ago I mentioned you in my blog. When I came by here and saw your link to me, I was blown away! What a coincidence! I have gotten behind in my blogging and had to idea! I love how you used the card, btw.

Cindy said...

Linda, I saw your entry at Simple Journeys regarding the Seven Ages of Man. You referred to it as coincidence or kismet. Maybe it is the tao of the universe with its linking thread that weaves and binds all things together. To explore one more link in the chain, check out to see I'm Building A Bird. It is mystically funny!