Saturday, September 15, 2007

A School Story and another ATC

This one is made with some cotton batting that I inked to make it look more like the sky.

I started a visual journal this week but it's pretty rudimentary. Will post some pictures eventually. Still getting into it.

My school kids never fail to surprise me. In my British Lit class, they were improvising a scene from Hamlet. One group had to modernernize the part where Polonius is talking to Ophelia trying to find out the extent of her relationship with Hamlet. The girl playing Polonius had him say, "So, Ophelia, are you and Hamlet doing the no-pants dance?" I nearly fell out of my seat! The class roared and I had to give them a little reminder to keep things school appropriate. No matter how many years you've been teaching, there is always something new, that's for sure!

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