He's been working on getting it geared for tuna fishing.
He named it Freda B after his grandmother. It's sort of a play on words=Free To Be....Anyway, two Sunday's ago, we went for a ride and I had a little mishap. While getting on the boat, I tripped, twisted my ankle, and landed on my shoulder. Ouch! After four hours of excruciating pain, a trip to the ER, three doses of morphine, ex-rays to confirm a dislocation, the doctor finally popped it back into place. But, I was basically out of commission for over a week.
Fast forward to yesterday....
We invited my sister, Sally, her husband, Mike, their daughter, Michelle, and her friend, Alyssa to go for a ride with us.
This one I enjoyed so much more!
Such beautiful girls.
Such pretty sights.
Such wonderful smiles.
Such a great sister!
Two such different boat rides!