It took a couple months after we got back for me to finish it...but, I did!

I couldn't believe I did this!

I tried to divide the pages up so I'd have an equal number for each day, but, as you can see, it didn't always work out.

The Thank You card is from the president of the tour company. Big whoop! LOL!

This picture was taken on the first day in Rome. Of course, Dottie and I are not in it because we were somewhere over the Atlantic!

There is a little cubby at the end of the journal for odds and ends and it contains plenty more I could have included in the journal but I ran out of room.
I hadn't looked at this journal since November when I finished it but took it out yesterday and had such a good time going through it remembering all the beautiful sights, wonderful food, tasty wine, and the little moments each page evokes.
Now, to decide where we're going next!