It's sporadic but I have been journaling.

Michelle did the background for this spread. I only added the mustard Washi tape (and butterflies) to balance that color.

Michelle did the painting on this one and added a few things then I added some more.

This one is all me with help from my friend, Anne, with the quotes and the maple leaf and the stamps she cuts off envelopes and sends to me.

I love Michelle's school picture! Can't believe she's a junior, already! Every once in a while, Gary cuts something out for me to use in my journal. I got a kick out of how he wrote, "TO: Gary FROM: Gary."

Well, this idea wasn't that great! All those lines and arrows pointing to dates are just so confusing. Oh, well, win some, lose some.

I like a black background. Anne sent the "Family Rules" that I love!

Then, I tried something different. I had seen this in a magazine about a year ago and had it in the back of my mind all that time. Finally, I got around to doing it. I cut the numbers out of magazines then decorated them throughout the month. Kind of fun and an easier way to keep track of what's happening.