Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bits and Pieces

My MIL returned home last Friday and is doing well.  She has a lilt in her step that we haven't seen in a long while. 

The closing on our new park model is tomorrow.  We've already reserved a U-haul truck for Saturday.  I'm praying this is the last packing and unpacking I'll have to do for a while!

And we might have a buyer for our fifth-wheel.  Keeping our fingers crossed on that.

One night last week my husband suggested we go to the beach to watch the full moon rise and I took a few pictures, of course.
We got there too early so walked along the beach and saw this cool sandcastle.

The pink sky was so pretty behind the silhouette of the rollercoaster.

The pier from a distance.  We had planned on sitting at the end of it but it was closed during the week.

And up closer.  I like how the pilings are reflected in the water.

There are still some beach roses blossoming.

The pier from a different angle behind the dune grass.

And, finally, the moon rose bright and full.

To see more awesome skies click on SkyWatch Friday


  1. That moon! It is so beautiful! I am calling it another super moon!

  2. At the risk of being redundant: Your photos are awesome! You seem to get better and better! Hope the move goes well.

  3. What a fabulous sandcastle! And such gorgeous shots of sky and pier.

  4. The rollercoaster shot is extraordinary!! And love the reflections from the pier!! Each shot was my favourite until I saw the next one ...

    have a great weekend!

  5. Very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes
